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A letter for my parents
发布时间:2016-10-27 08:57:45 作者:马传业  发布者:18253418082 浏览次数:4169  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 山东省 >> 济南市 >> 长清区 >> 崮云湖街道

                                                                                                                                              26 october 2016

                                                                                             Shandong university of trodiational chinese medicine

My dear father and mother:

    Today,I want to write a letter for you, because I am very miss you,my dad and mom, maybe when you look this letter, you will feel amazing, because this is my first time to write a letter for you, but I don't want to tell you the reason.

    Now, I am stay in jinan, you are in beijing, two area is so far, so form now to the spring festival,I will can not meet you, So I feel a little bit bad, But I know, If I want to learn something, If I want to improve myself, I must be came here, and If you want to earn some money, you must be go to there. I know, you earn money is for me to study, So I'm really appreciate for you, because you pay out a lot of money for me, and I will do my best to improve myself.

    Finally, I wish you will healthy and happy forever, I love you, my dad and my mom.

                                                                                                                                                Simcerely yours


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