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Which Do You Prefer Urban Life Or Rural Life?
发布时间:2016-09-06 10:52:14 作者:王琪  发布者:amiswq 浏览次数:3787  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 辽宁省 >> 抚顺市 >> 望花区 >> 建设街道

 For myself,I prefer Urban life rather than Rural life.Life in the city is a great convenience.

  To the Urban life,first of all,we don't need to plant vegetables by ourselves.In the food market,we can get any vegetables we want.Secondly,there are many means of transportation in the city.It's easy for us to go to one place from one place.There are more recreations in the city.We can go to the zoo,the park or the amusement.We can get more amusement in these facilities.

   However,it has a lot of shortcomings when you live in the countryside.In the first place,you will self-sufficiency sort of life.You must grow all of your fruits and vegetables by your own.You will get exhausted from the toil.Next,the traffic is not so convenient as that in the city.And there are only little amusement in the city.

   Above all,I think the urban life is better the local life.Because there more things I like in the city than these in the countryside.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2016/9/6 20:46:19

    For myself (me,不用物主代词),I prefer Urban life rather than Rural life.Life in the city is of a great convenience.(be of+抽象名词=very+该抽象名词的形容词)

    To the Urban life (Leading the urban lives,过城市生活),first of all,we don't need to plant vegetables by ourselves.In the food market,we can get any vegetables we want. Secondly,there are many means of transportation in the city.It's easy for us to go to one place from one place (to another,英语中不喜欢名词重复,要么换成同义词,要么换成代词).There are more recreations in the city.We can go to the zoo,the park or the (do some other kinds of,进行其它的一些娱乐) amusement.We can get more amusement (entertainment,“娱乐”的同义词) in these facilities.

    However,it has a lot of shortcomings when (if,如果) you live in the countryside.In the first place,you will self-sufficiency sort of life.You must grow all of your fruits and vegetables by your own不符合现在农村的实际情况).You will get exhausted from the toil.Next,the traffic is not so convenient as that in the city.And there are only little amusement in the city.

    Above all,I think the urban life is better the local life.Because there more things I like in the city than these (those) in the countryside.

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