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发布时间:2015-12-08 15:42:09 作者:李倩  发布者:liqian7272 浏览次数:3219  类别:英文作文  
[大学四年级] 山东省 >> 济南市 >> 历下区 >> 姚家街道

    As is vividly illustrated in the picture above,two men are dancing on the keyboard to float rumour in the Internet. It is obvious to everyone that the picture is intended to covey the idea that Internet rumour is derimental to both our society and life. As far as I am concerned,this phenomenon has become so widespread that no member of our society can afford to ignore the negative influence generated by turning a blind eye to it.

    Personally speaking, there are two factors which are responsible for the emergence of this phenomenon listed as follows. First  and formost, it is the lack of legislation that may lead to the fact that people copy and send unreal information easily without thinking of the consequence. What is more, it is widely acknowledge that the rapid development of Internet may be another contributing factor giving rise to this phenomenon. The Internet makes rumour spreaded first. In addition, people lost themselves in an ocean of information. They can't recongnize which is true and useful. 

    All in all, given the severity of this problem, vigrous measures must be taken without any hesitation to address this  troublesome issue. The first priority is for government to adjust Internet policies to promote the Internet environment clearly. Also,the public awarness should be raised a higher level where people can understand the adverse influence of  Internet rumour. Plus,tougher laws and regulations should be enacted and implemented by relevant parties in an effort to crack down on those romour. Only in this way,can we build a harmonious Internet environment.

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