Be ready to help others
发布时间:2014-10-23 17:04:37 作者:lisa 发布者:shanshan 浏览次数:5701 类别:英文作文
[大学二年级] 浙江省 >> 温州市 >> 瓯海区 >> 茶山街道
Years ago I met an old man in rags, lying on the ground, as if he were a beggar. Young as I was at that time, all I had thought about was giving the man some coins. But I didn't, for there was no begging bowl in front of him. Then I left for my class.
Unexpectedly, I found journalists from a local TV station viewing the old "beggar" on my way back. I hadn't cared much about the surprising scene and walked home as I usually did.
Nevertheless, years later, when hearing about the argument about whether to support the old with our hands under such an unreliable situation, it occurred to me the memory of that "beggar".
That man I came across before was more like a falling-down old man who could not rise to his feet himself than a beggar. I should have ignored his helplessness and offered no help. Every time when I recall my indifferent and ignorant behavior, guilty emotions rise in my mind.
I’m always wondering what I would have done if I were conscious about the old man’s difficult position. Would I turn a blind eye to him in the interest of not being troubled or reach out to help him?
It’s a real puzzle to decide whether to offer help or not. Nowadays, being helpful may even paint ourselves into a corner. Many people would rather keep away from those troubles and play it safe because there was a piece of news that a young man was judged to be guilty after helping the old man up. The truth that the young man was innocent surprised all of us. People are no longer so willing to offer help to strangers from then on, even to the old.
It’s quiet a tragedy that the virtue of helping others is gradually disappearing in today’s society.
As far as I'm concerned, no matter how horrible the news is, it can never represent the whole society. Those kind of "falling down traps" are the very minority negative side of our society. We young people should believe in the goodness of human nature and always be ready to help. Thus, our society will develop to be a more mature and harmonious one.
批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
批改时间:2014/10/24 12:33:00
Years ago I met an old man in rags, lying on the ground, as if he were a beggar. Young as I was at that time, all I had thought about was giving the man some coins. But I didn't, for there was no begging bowl in front of him. Then I left for my class.
Unexpectedly, I found journalists from a local TV station viewing (interviewing) the old "beggar" on my way back. I hadn't cared much about the surprising scene and walked home as I usually did.
Nevertheless, years later, when hearing about the argument about whether to (we should) support (give) the old charities with our hands under (in) such an unreliable situation, it occurred to me the memory of that "beggar".
That man I came across before was more like a falling-down old man who could not rise to his feet himself than (as) a normal beggar. I should have ignored his helplessness and offered no help. Every time when I recall my indifferent and ignorant behavior, guilty emotions rise in my mind.
I’m always wondering what I would have done if I were conscious about the old man’s difficult (tough) position. Would I turn a blind eye to him in the interest of not being troubled or reach out to help him?
It’s a real puzzle to decide whether to offer help or not. Nowadays, being helpful may even paint ourselves into a corner. Many people would rather (prefer to) keep away from those troubles and play it safe (to be safe) because there was a piece of news that a young man was judged to be guilty after helping the old man stand up. The truth that the young man was innocent surprised all of us. People are no longer so willing to offer help to strangers from then on, even to the old.
It’s quiet a tragedy that the virtue of helping others is gradually disappearing in today’s society.
As far as I'm concerned, no matter how horrible (confusing) the news is, it can never represent the whole society. Those kind of "falling down traps" are the very minority negative side of our society. We young people should believe in the goodness of human nature and always be ready to help. Thus, our society will develop to be a more mature and harmonious one.