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urban life
发布时间:2014-10-15 23:04:09 作者:桂璇  发布者:15580198992 浏览次数:2950  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 湖南省 >> 湘潭市 >> 雨湖区 >> 羊牯塘街道

                                 My  urban life 

        I'm a  girl living in big city and seldem go to the coutryside .  If let me chose bewtween urban life and rural life, of course I will chose the urban life. Why?

        The reason is very  simple .I cannot go on without eating.if I 'm in the countryside alone,not only in food but also I have a lot of others  problem  to live.even if I can find food ,I don't know which plants were good to eating,or how  to make a fire , how to cooking...

       And I love urban life  because of lots of reason.I would be free to use these high-tech products,and I can do everything I want to do .First,if I am hungry,I could buy some my favorites food in the city.Sesond,I can do sports which I liked in the playground but in the farmland.Third,When I go to school or work I would like take bus or taxi not work too long road...

       In brief,most of things in the city is my favorites,I love my urban life!

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/10/16 9:24:24

    My  urban life

    I'm a  girl living in big city and seldem (seldom) go to the coutryside (countryside). If you let me chose (make a choicebewtween (between) urban life and rural life, of course I will chose the urban life. Why?

    The reason is very  simple .I cannot go on without eating.if I 'm in the countryside alone,not only in food but also I have a lot of others  problem  to live.even if I can find food ,I don't know which plants were good to eating,or how  to make a fire , how to cooking...

    And I love urban life  because of lots of reason.I would be free to use these high-tech products,and I can do everything I want to do .First,if I am hungry,I could buy some my favorites food in the city.Sesond,(Second) I can do sports which I liked in the playground but in (not) the farmland.Third,When I go to school or work I would like take bus or taxi not work (walking) too long road...

    In brief,most of things in the city is my favorites,I love my urban life!

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