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individual independence
发布时间:2014-06-29 17:02:06 作者:张映招  发布者:2808982825 浏览次数:3022  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 甘肃省 >> 兰州市 >> 榆中县 >> 夏官营镇

individual      independence

Day after day, we’re gradually building a world of our own the moment we’re born, from the first call “Mum” to the first step you made by yourself. Independence is  important, because our  parents,friends  and teachers can’t help us forever. Usually, teenagers have a strong feeling of asking for independence in a certain period of time, during which we want to be unique and independent. We resist to accept others’ help and care. We are eager to protest against all the traditional restrictions…. In a word, we wish to fly with our wings that aren’t plump at all. After several years, when I recall the experience, I find myself ignorant.  Independence, not only means the wealth of materials, but also means the reliance on yourself in spirit. In daily life, we think in our own way, we settle difficulties with our own methods, and improve them if necessary. In my opinion, independence is a mature life-system that can help us live as easy and nice as we can.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/6/29 19:32:42

    individual      independence

    Day after day, we’re gradually building (have being gradually bulit) a world of our own the moment (since) we’re (were) born, from the first call “Mum” to the first step you made by yourself. Independence is  important, from the first call “Mum” to the first step (decision) you made by yourself because our  parents,friends and teachers can’t help us forever. Usually, teenagers have a strong feeling of asking (to require) for independence in a certain period of time, during which we want and to be unique and independent. We resist to accept others’ help and care. We are eager to protest against all the traditional restrictions…. In a word, we wish to fly with our wings that aren’t plump at all. After several years, when I recall the experience, I find myself ignorant.  Independence, not only means the wealth of materials (materail fortune) but also means the reliance on yourself in spirit. In our daily life, (lives) we think in our own way, we settle (overcome) difficulties with our own methods, and improve them if necessary. In my opinion, independence is a mature life-system (style) that can help us live as easy and nice as we can.

  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2014/7/1 20:49:38

    individual      independence

    Day after day, we’re gradually building a world of our own the moment we’re born, from the first call “Mum” to the first step you made by yourself. Independence is  important, because our  parents,friends  and teachers can’t help us forever. Usually, teenagers have a strong feeling of asking for independence in a certain period of time, during which we want to be unique and independent. We resist to accept others’ help and care. We are eager to protest against all the traditional restrictions…. In a word, we wish to fly with our wings that aren’t plump at all. After several years, when I recall the experience, I find myself ignorant.  Independence, not only means the wealth of materials, but also means the reliance on yourself in spirit. In daily life, we think in our own way, we settle difficulties with our own methods, and improve them if necessary. In my opinion, independence is a mature life-system that can help us live as easy and nice as we can.

    1. http://www.yyessay.com/gzyy/20100301/3033.html

    2. http://gk.qhyedu.com/qhy/20090213/45760.html

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